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My teaching

Go to the NEWS page for more information about forthcoming workshops and do contact me for further information.

I teach and help develop creative writers in a number of settings. This includes workshops for writing groups and schools. Sometimes the settings can be unusual, including walking or other outdoor activity and more recently, online courses. I can be booked for readings or workshops through Live Literature Scotland, which helps groups and schools pay fees and expenses. I also work as a mentor to other writers through Scottish Book Trust.

I currently offer a regular 'Open Book' creative writing session for all-comers at Breadalbane Community Library. I have been Writer-in-Residence for Birnam Book Festival, have been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Stirling University, was writer in residence at George Watson's College 2016-17, and from 2012-16 was writer-in-residence at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh

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